Al-Houthi confirms commitment to peace conditions

الخميس 07 أغسطس-آب 2008 الساعة 02 مساءً / Mareb Press
عدد القراءات 5926


President Saleh received a letter from Abdul Malek al-Houthi confirming his commitment to the peace conditions set by the president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

  Al Houthi said in a letter addressed to President Saleh and published by the army website, 26 September, Thursday, he is meeting all conditions for ending the war and bringing peace in the northern province of Sa'ada .  

He added we are committed to preserve security, peace and stability in the governorate.


“We will return favor with favour and justice with justice; we care about the interest of the homeland and the safety of the citizens. We are part of this nation, we have the same rights and duties the other citizens have,” he said in the letter.


The letter mentions the 10 conditions as follows: the ceasefire, opening the roads and removing all mines , going down from mountains and evacuating the farms and houses of citizens, stopping the armed provoking actions in all districts of Sa’ada, handing over the heavy and medium-sized weapons to the state, return of the displaced citizens, return of all al-Houthi supporters who came to Sa’ada to their areas, handing over the hostages from the soldiers and citizens to the local authority, return of all stolen objects to the local authority and the armed and security forces, and the state should be responsible for applying the law and regulations in all Sa’ada province.


Abdul Malek al-Houthi demanded the president to curb the influence of some powerful and tribal sheikhs who don’t want peace and stability in Sa’ada.

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