Al-Qanri's trial postponed

الأربعاء 21 مايو 2008 الساعة 09 مساءً / Mareb Press
عدد القراءات 2869

The Taiz appealing court postponed today, Wednesday, the trial of Fahad al-Qarni, popular singer, after the objection of lawyers for deleting some parts from al-Qani's songs in Al-Raheda festival.

The prosecution used al-Qanri's songs in al-Raheda festival as evidence against him. During watching some of these songs, the audience including the lawyers clapped with much enthusiasm. This aroused the anger of the judges who ask them to keep silent but the lawyers continued in their objection. 

The head of the court ordered to get them out of the court. The security men attacked the lawyers and forced them to leave the court.

Fahad Al-Qarni was arrested on 5 April 2008, by members of Taiz political security forces while on his way to a festival in Aden. He has been charged with inciting an armed overthrow of the government and insulting the President

He was previously arrested in July 2006 and imprisoned for recording songs which were critical of government policies.

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