700 thousand children work in streets

A governmental study reveals that about 700 thousands Yemeni children between 4-14 years old are working in streets of main cities because the poverty.

The Central System for Counting in Yemen, International Labour Organization, Social Fund for Development, and UNICEF are preparing to launch a wide field survey for child labour.

The survey aims to create a database clarifying the size of this phenomenon in Yemen which reports say it is increasing during the last years because of the deterioration of living status and the spread of the poverty.   

The recent study issued by Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour said that the rate of child labor in Yemen last year increased from 400 thousand working children in 2000 to 700 thousand children working in jobs that do not fit with ages.

The study reveals that about 2 million children drop out of schools.  

The study attributes the reasons behind the rise of children labour to economic factors represented in the spread of poverty and unemployment which push those children to work to gain money in order to support their families' incomes and to social factors represented in the law awareness of the families towards the physical, psychological and educational dangers of child labour and to educational factors represented in the lack of schools and far distances of schools.


Mareb Press
الأحد 20 إبريل-نيسان 2008

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